Made by registered Physician Associates
About us
We are two qualified physician associate friends, both PCN PAs, working in inner London. Having sat the OSCE national exam ourselves, we quickly realised there were some vital skills that we didn’t perfect and rather we focused primarily on certain aspects of the OSCE that we naturally felt better at. We also believe that our training didn’t provide us with a great depth of understanding on what to expect from the OSCE nationals.
Throughout our training, we found it difficult to find content regarding the OSCE that was formulated for PAs. We quickly realised there was a scarce amount of resources for PA students in the UK. So, after some reflection we collated many useful resources and materials that enabled us to formulate a guide that follows the OSCE PANE framework and helped us achieve a high pass mark in our OSCE nationals at our FIRST attempt. We have guided our teaching styles for students struggling to revise for the OSCE nationals and trainees to facilitate this process and to enable them to achieve the best results.
As qualified PAs we now see the importance of having a great OSCE training in order to deliver safe and competent care to patients. We felt like the OSCE practices during our training didn’t prepare us well enough for the working world, thus, implementing our skills as qualified PAs was quite difficult to make the transition. For this reason, we created OSCE for PAs to tackle these issues and provide an appropriate training platform for students who were once in our shoes.